I'm quite excited to talk to Cedar Branches this week on "There's A Rock For That!" radio show. We'll be discussing magical stones, his upcoming book on manifestation, and so much more!
Here's a little more about Cedar - what a wonderful journey he is on!

Cedar Branches is a modern day mystic and magi. A free spirit who lives a life dedicated to selfless devotional service, he teaches manifestation and self mastery techniques. Cedar has independently produced three books and is currently working on a fourth, a guide to Applied Karmic Magic.
Cedar has a rich background in the use and interpretation of symbols, studying many religious and non-religious traditions. Reading tarot for over twenty years, he is also uniquely well-versed in magical practices of just about every imaginable type.
After studying shamanic techniques in the Lakota tradition, he has traveled far and wide at the beckon of Spirit, continually working with nature spirits of all sorts.
Considered a representative of the Elohim energies, he is dedicated to serving as a reminder to the Divine Power that flows through each of us. He serves as an image of truth and of courage so that a harmonious experience and the Highest Good may come forward for all.
Our Crystal Guest is Hawk's Eye, one of Cedar's favorite stones -- I can't wait to hear what he has to share about it!